Thursday, April 2, 2015

Problems with blogging or internet?! WHATTT!

Okay so, I tried to like, get to random game blogs, because I got signed out of my google account, and apparently something is going on, So if I don't make a post, That means that, I am having problems or something with this, I'm sorry guys. Soooo... Sorry if I don't make so many posts

Monday, March 16, 2015


Okay guys, So, Today I logged on, And... I got two jamagrams. I opened them and they were GIFTS FROM TWO RANDOM PEOPLE! I am just SOOO happy, Thank you guys SOOO much! Even thou they weren't beta or rare, Thank you! It's just- WOW. My first two gifts and they aren't even from my friends. I feel like nobody has mentioned this, But you guys are kind enough, to send people gifts! Founders, spiked collars, you guys are taking a risk! It's just so nice, Your giving your favorite person something that they didn't ask for. Like, Thats OVER awesome! I love everyone 1 of my fans. And always will. And before I leave, I wanted to say...

For everything. :3


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jammerred43915 INTERVIEW!

1) What is your favorite song?
Answer: Insanity
2) What OTHER games do you play?
Answer: Roblox, Minecraft, feral heart,Wolf pack, Omeeeegeleeeeee, (O_O)  animal jam.
3) What is your most played game?
ANSWER: Animal jam

4) What is your favorite animal?
5) Have you gotten into any drama before?

6) What is your LEAST favorite animal?
Answer: Dont know yet :D

7) Have you ever lost a friend and cried about it?
ANSWER: Yes. (twins!)
8) What game do you least play?
Answer: Feral heart

9) What is your BEST talent?
10) (Final question) In total, How many betas do you have?
Answer: 79 den betas. HOLY-


Party ended, :(

Well, that was fast. Nobody came at all. I invited 20 friends and only 1 bothered to come. Nobody else came. Sorry guys. I'll make another one soon.

Party starts... NOW!

WOOOOOOO! I'm so happy! I can't wait to see all of you there! I can't WAIT!
We're all going to have SO much fun! I'll do giveaways, Games, and LOTS more!

Your all confused, Aren't you?

Okay, I know I said I was quitting animal jam, But the thought of my friends made me want to talk to them. And I went on and I was sooo happy they all came rushing out at me like: SWAGGY! OMG YOUR HERE WE MISS YOU! And I felt so welcomed, Which is why i'm staying


Party. TODAY

Has it been a while or what? Wow! It's been forever since iv'e had a party! And now I'm finally having one! It's going to be on animal jam. At 1:00. Meet in SwaggyMustachez den. I'll set everything up FOR YOU GUYS! Woo!!!
It will be my B-day party. I had my b-day last week. March 2nd. Happy b-day to me! Anyways, Yeah. I can't wait to see everyone there! 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Good news, and bad news.

Okay, Guys I have some good news, and bad news. The bad news is i'm quitting animal jam. I may not be quitting FOREVER but a few months. The good news is, I now play Amazing world and Webkinz! My usernames areeeeee: Amazing world: ShadowBrowniez Webkinz: ElectriaSparkz. YAYYY

Friday, March 6, 2015

I'm so sorry,

Oh my gosh its been forever! Iv'e missed 2 Monday tradings, 2 Random Tuesdays, 2 Up coming events, 3 parties, I'm SO sorry! I'll be making more posts soon, But parties are now moved to Saturday. Whatever Saturday was is now on Friday.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Party canclled. 3:

I'm SOOO sorry guys. I know i'm sure a lot of you were looking forward to the party but there won't be one. I'm having a sleepover today and she's coming very soon. And tomorrow I have a b-day party, and Monday I have a day off school (for me) I'm so sorry about the lack of posts. 3: I guess I'll see you guys on Sunday. Byeee 


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Okay guys, I haven't made a post in a few days and I am SOOO sorry! Iv'e been to lazy to do posts. And I have homework I don't understand very much, And I promised to call a best friend of mine, and then it was time to go eat, and then it was time to go to sleep, And I honestly forgot about it, I'm SO sorry, I'll try to get a post up today, Mk? Thank you. I hope you forgive me


Friday, February 20, 2015

Party in 1 hour!

EEEEK! I cant believe the party is in ONE HOUR! ONEEEE HOURRRR I'm so happy and I can't wait to see you guys! were going to be doing a lot of fun games too, Here are some listed:

1. Draw that character! 
2. Draw my thing!
3. Truth or dare
4. Guessing games
5. Racing
6. Hide n seek

Those are some of the games listed, here are other things were going to do:

1. Music party!
2. Parcore
3. "Battle"
4. Roleplay
5. Play on SUPER fun maps

at 1:00 PM Go to /room *#utility0songbirdzn  For some fun things! Its a party for 100 views in 1 week, Cant wait to see you guys there!


Thursday, February 19, 2015


Hey guys! Me here, With some AWESOME news! Well, If we get enough votes, We might be having a PARTY! So, I have talked with some of my friends, and TFM got the most votes! So, At 1:00 february, 20th. 2015. In my utility room. /room *#utility0songbirdzn I cant wait to see you guys there! I wont be giving to many admin's due to what happened the last time I did that, But whatever, Were gonna be playing music, playing games, and fun things. The party ends at 2:00. So yeah! :3 Byeeeee!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Friends of the week! ;3


1. (Transformice) Arcticzzzx    For being there for me, watching my favorite show with me, and always being a good friend :3

2. (Animaljam) Milkymo    For being extremely funny and making me laugh :3
3. (AnimalJam) Ragewolfie   For being an awesome friend, and sticking up for me when I was down, and being there for me to make me laugh :3
4. (Animaljam) lilyonxx/lilyonx   Two best friends, wow, I cant explain how awesome these people are :3
5. (Transformice) maididdoggyyyy  For being there for me in my warriorcats roleplay. (Flurryclan) Shes awesome and shes very nice. :3

Those were some of my best friends, If u weren't on here, that means that either 1. I dont know you, or 2. I haven't gotten to you yet. If I put everyone on here it would take to long to read. :3 But don't worry, if you were expecting to be on this, you will be here VERYYYY soon :3


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Glitches in animal jam that annoy me REALLY badly :3


1. The glitch that randomly logs you out.
2. The glitch that says your ban, even thou your not
3. The glitch that bans your account for no reason.
4. The glitch that makes you think fman122 is back
5. The glitch that says you have no friends, even thou you actually do.
6. The glitch that makes a jamagram say: Animal jam rocks! even thou they didn't say that.
7. The glitch that says your suspended even thou your not.
8. The glitch that suspends you for nothing.
9. The glitch that moves all your den items around.
10. The glitch where you do a look, but everyone else sees something totally different
11. The glitch that says all items are rare, and you have 999999,9 gems, and then it says you need 9999999,9 more gems. and wont let you out of the store (It's very annoying during roll plays)
12. The glitch that on your screen, it shows you sitting somewhere, but on someones other screen, it shows u in a totally different spot

Those were all the glitches that are annoying. (In my opinion) Tell me in the comments if you agree with some :3

If animal jam had bad grammar bans

Me: Yeah and I was liek, OMG! :3
Animal jam: You have been banned forever for using  bad grammar
Me: What...?
Mom: Sweetie, Its time to find a new game...
Me: okay... O_O
Me: Mom, We missed... 20 CALLS?!
Mom: Sweetie, Did u read that right,
Me: Yes, Come over here O_O

Mom: They are all for you O_O
Me: Okay... *Looks at calls* They are from my friends from Animal Jam
Mom: Call them back then.
Me: Okay.
*Makes new account*
Me: Huh? Where is everyone? Well, I'm guessing i'm in an empty server.
*Goes to Aldan*
Me: What the heck?! Where is everyone?!
Me: Oh, A jamagram...
Animal Jam: We are shutting down tomorrow, we are very sorry
Me: O_O Is this fman122?
*Calls animal jam*
Me: Excuse me, Why are you shutting down?
Animal jam: We banned everyone from are grammar reports. 

Me: Oh, uh... okay then.

And that's what would happen if animal jam had bad grammar bans. :3

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Trading :3

                  ANIMAL JAM TRADING
1. Trading with Linkthedarkwolf (Items) Jamaaliday bow, Beard, Phantom necklace (Trade for) Short pink spiked collar (Status) no
2. Trading with Skategirl2030 (Items) Jamaaliday bow, Beard, Phantom necklace (Trade for) Long Blue Spiked Wrist (Status) no
3. Trading with Skategirl2030 (Items) Jamaaliday bow, beard, phantom necklace (trade for) Short pink spiked collar (Status) no

Well, Once again, I need better items xD

My usernames on games

This is going to be the shortest post ever, oh well

Animal jam: SwaggyMustachez
Transformice: Songbirdzn
Roblox: Girlsrocksomuch12345
ChickenSmoothie: zoe82839

Feel free to buddy me on those accounts, swaggy only has 61 buddies. So it will be a while until I don't have any slots left xD

Where to find me on games

                         ANIMAL JAM
1. Aldan I trade quite alot on Monday, So on Monday, Try going in Aldan
2. Hanging with some of my buddies. Now if you know any of them, like wolflover0322, lilyonxx, milymo, ect. You would often find me in there dens.
3. In MY den. I'm actually in here quite alot. :3
4. In jamaa looking for scammers. Now, I'm barely in jamaa, so... yeah
5. In popular jammers dens (If there unlocked) I'm here during trading monday, and scammer watcher tuesday. 
6. In empty worlds for doing games, I'm here with friends, because its quiet. No lag, no people crowding around us, and yeah :3

1. I'm in cafe ALOT. and I mean ALOT. I have never gone a day WITHOUT making a cafe. Honestly, And my username on trasnformice is songbirdzn 
2. In my tribe house, right now i'm currently in manga and anime. Best tribe eva :3
3. In bootcamp. Sometimes i'm here during winter Sunday dares. :3
4. Music rooms (obviously) yeah... I'm in the most empty music rooms. So if I already made alot of posts, you would find me there.
5. My utility room. (Or my friends) I like being here because its quiet, and fun. Some of my friends call it House Hunting. :3

 1. Well, I'm in alot of obby type things, I like doing it, Its pretty quiet, I listen to music, and yeah :3 
2. Tycoons. I don't know why I like them so much, I guess I just do. 
Those are the places that i'm in quite alot. I hope this helped you :3

Trading! :3

                                            TRADING! :3 Animal jam
1. Trading with meah428  Two cherry trees for a scarecrow. Status: No
2. Trading with Erin4286   1 phantom necklace, 1 beard, 1 jamaaliday bow for a black long spiked collar. Status: No
3. Trading with bean4561  Two cherry trees for scorpion tail armor. Status: No
4. Trading with princesskat00  Beard, Jamaaliday bow, phantom necklace for a blue long spike collar. Status: No

Okay well clearly i'm a very bad trader, whatever :3 I'll update you guys when I get more trades and stuff :3

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Sunday Dares

               TRANSFORMICE DARE
Dare REQUESTED: Scream in a bootcamp DO IT FOR THE VINE!

I ain't gonna do it
shush please
you cn stop now
let go back
follow me on vine
what in the world song?

Winter Sunday Dares

                              TRANSFORMICE DARE    

Okay, The dare I got was to scream in a bootcamp, I LOVE DORA. I'm scared about the amount of hate i'm gonna get. Wish me luck xD

K bruh
omg she stupid
Nobody likes dora
Forget it. 
UGH. Is this animal jam?

First post

                         MY BLOG SCHEDULE 

Monday: Trading!


Wednesday: Buddy of the week + whats been going on

Thursday:   Upcoming events

Friday: Parties! :3

Saturday: Confusing people 

Sunday: Winter Sunday Dares

I hope you guys like my little schedule I made for each blog. :3